2023 College Football Bowl Prediction Pool
Multiple ways to play within one spreadsheet: each bowl game picked correctly is worth 1 point or other specified amount, can make playoff games worth more points. Or each player can select confidence picks where they rank each game according to how confident they are in their pick.
Download now by entering your email (which will only be used to send you an update if we add a new feature or for next year's sheet). Enter a zero for free or make a donation to my children's future college fund.
More information here:
12-8-2024: Single player entry form for bowls and playoff bracket now available. Pool manager is in progress, should be complete 12/9.
12-9-24: There appears to be an issue with Gumroad where there is a blank page when trying to download the files. I am investigating.
For the 2024 pool and bracket, go here: https://dsadsadsadsadsa.gumroad.com/l/collegefootballbowlandbracket
2 Excel spreadsheets (manager and single player entry sheet)