Reorder Specification Tree Tutorial
This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to rearrange the order of the components in the specification tree using a VBA macro. This method will use cut and paste but the constraint links will be preserved. In this tutorial, you’ll also learn how to:
-create a userform with listboxes, labels, and command buttons
- make a listbox not selectable
-keep constraints when reordering by cutting and pasting
- automatically sort the tree from A to Z or Z to A
The general steps this tutorial will follow are:
1. Create a new CATProduct or open an existing assembly file in CATIA V5
2. Setup a new CATVBA program
3. Create a Userform
4. Write the code for each of the command buttons
5. Write the reorder tree code
6. Test!
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2.19 MB
29 pages
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